Targeted Groups

There are many groups targeted under WIA for special services (e.g., persons with disabilities, veterans, older workers, etc.). Workshops under this topic will address issues concerning these groups. Also included will be workshops that appeal to specific audiences (e.g., H1B grantees, rural populations, etc.).

Monday, July 16

1:30-3:00 p.m.

Baby Boomers are Redefining Retirement: Service Implications for One-Stop
Speakers: Karen Davis, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Frederica Kramer, Urban Institute, Washington, DC; Theresa Lambert, Nat. Association of State Units on Aging, Washington, DC; Joyce Welsh, Nat. Association of State Units on Aging, Washington, DC
This workshop will identify policy options, program models, and service delivery strategies that will enable One-Stops to meet the needs of an increasingly older workforce, and the employers that will need them. Workshop participants will: 1) Learn about the purpose, scope and resources of the Senior Community Service Employment Program; 2) Discover how the resources and services of the SCSEP can interface with One-Stop operations; 3) Understand the range of services available to One-Stop staff, clients, and partner programs; and 4) Learn of best practice approaches to successfully integrate SCSEP with One-Stop services.

Technology & Partnerships: Providing Job Readiness to Rural America
Speakers: Cheri Bever, Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown, MD; Jeff Foley, Goodwill Industries, Bethesda, MD; Glynis Long, Americans Communicating Electronically, Washington, DC; Philip Michael Goodwill Industries, Uniontown, PA 
Rural populations possess unique characteristics and face inimitable circumstances that will affect their ability to achieve the requirements and intent of the WIA. To build knowledge and research about effective approaches in working with diverse rural populations, USDA/CSREES and Goodwill Industries share successful strategies that have helped to bridge the digital divide in helping people find employment and dignity. The representative from USDA/CSREES will highlight their Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE) program that includes: network of community leaders, youth development, computers for schools and non-profits, and Government outreach to citizens.

3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Linking Disadvantaged, Rural Community Youth with High Tech Career Opportunities
Speakers: Rena Burns, Covansys, Los Angeles, CA; Michael Dolphin, CA Employ. Develop. Dept., Los Angeles, CA; Dave Kaplan, Kern/Inyo/Mono Counties WDB, Bakersfield, CA 
The Linking Disadvantaged and Rural-Community Youth With High-Tech Career Opportunities Workshop will focus on the successes, barriers, and means to tackle the barriers via a proven model and methodology implemented in two best practices projects in Los Angeles County and the Central Valley of California. The workshop will include discussion on: Curriculum developed with input from private industry that includes technical training, work readiness and job related basic skills; Technical classroom training and paid internships; and assessment/eligibility, integrated case management, and reporting based on valid and reliable performance measures.

Meeting Workforce Needs using O*NET Technology 
Speakers: Brazellia Baker, Boys & Girls Clubs, Atlanta, GA; Mary Findlay, NE Dept. of Labor, Lincoln, NE; Lecester Johnson, Community Preservation Develop. Corp., Washington, DC; Doyle Paden, OK Career Connection Center, Oklahoma City, OK 
The O*NET database is the most comprehensive occupational information resource available. O*NET On-line makes much of this information accessible via the Internet. Come see how National, State and Local workforce development programs are tapping O*NET. s power to help a variety of special groups with career and employment-related needs. Learn how you, too, can use O*NET technology to enhance services for disadvantaged youth and adults, dislocated workers, employers and the unemployed, and military personnel in transition to civilian employment.

Serving the Client and Employer: Strategies for Moving Ex-Offenders from Welfare-to-Work
Speakers: Dennis Lieberman, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Debbie Mukamal, Legal Action Center, New York, NY; Ron Rubbin, Federal Bonding Program, Washington, DC; Mindy Tarlow, Center for Employ. Opportunity, Washington, DC
In this workshop, participants will hear the legal and practical strategies to move individuals with criminal records from welfare-to-work. Among the topics that will be addressed include the incentives service providers can offer employers to hire this population such as tax credits, the Federal Bonding Program, and referral and post-placement follow-up services. In addition, presenters will discuss effective strategies for working with clients to prepare them for their job searches including counseling them on how to respond to inquiries of their criminal records, cleaning up mistakes or omissions on their records, and educating them about their legal rights and obligations.

Tuesday, July 17

8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

“Friendly” Technology Supports Self Help for Job Seekers & Michigan’s Career Guidance System, a Web-based One-Stop
Speakers: Linda Kobylarz, Linda Kobylarz & Associates, Burlington, VT; Janice Pitts-Moore, MI Virtual University, Lansing, MI; Penny Shenk, IA Dept. of Education, Des Moines, IA; Robert Sherer, MI Dept. of Career Develop., Lansing, MI
This session features two exciting State systems designed to provide workforce customers with web access to career development resources. Michigan. s TALENTFREEWAY lets users explore careers, map out a career plan, sign up for an internship, seek financial aid, find a job, recruit workers, upgrade skills, and receive a skills certificate. Iowa. s Workforce Development Centers combine the use of cutting edge technology with traditional methods to provide job-seekers with an array of powerful resources to assist them in their career transition. Job seekers can keep their own electronic career portfolio to document skills and track their job seeking activities.

Promising Approaches to Workforce and Youth Development for Youthful Offenders 
Speakers: David Brown, Nat. Youth Employ. Coalition, Washington, DC; John Dillow, Living Classrooms Foundation, Baltimore, MD; Lane Roos, Texas Youth Commission, Austin, TX 
Targeted under WIA, youth offenders traditionally have had difficulty accessing the services and supports needed to attain self-sufficiency. A report, soon to be published by Annie E. Casey Foundation in cooperation with the National Youth Employment Coalition, found that despite barriers to reform, innovative programming and policy initiatives around the country are successfully linking juvenile justice and workforce development systems to help young people succeed. Join this session to learn about these strategies and explore key elements of successful programmatic and policy endeavors.

Successful Rapid Response Leads to Reemployment
Speakers: Patricia Askew, North Central Texas Workforce, Arlington, TX; Joan Burchell, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Jim Houck, MI Dept. of Career Develop., Lansing, MI; Ken Messina, Commonwealth Corporation, Boston, MA 
Learn about best practices for delivering re-employment services to dislocated workers and the 10 principles of quality rapid response as developed by the National Rapid Response Workgroup. Discuss policy decision points and options for States and local Workforce Boards and One-Stops operators in designing rapid response systems — Looking at the rapid response team (State and/or local partners), the relationships formed with employers, provision of early intervention services prior to layoff, and the . handoff. to the local One Stop ongoing service delivery system.

10:30 a.m.-12 noon

Effective approaches to respond to technology skill shortages
Speakers: William Carlson, Washington Area Technology Initiative, Wheaton, MD; Herb Dennis, IL Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs, Springfield, IL; Duc Duong, High Tech Council of Maryland, Rockville, MD; John Engman, CompTIA Education Foundation, Lombard, IL 
Hear from State and Local program operators, the steps and considerations that go into developing a response to technology skill shortages. the use of employer advisory committees, identifying training providers that meet employer standards (and getting them on the ETP list), appropriate assessment tools, the role of internships, and other placement strategies. This is a valuable workshop for those who might consider designing a project to respond to the H1-B technology training grants.

Rural Expansion of Workforce Services in Texas
Speakers: Gloria Leffall, Carthage Workforce Center, Carthage, TX; Mary Maldonado, Heart of Texas WDB, Waco, TX; Jennifer Roberts, North Central WDB, Arlington, TX; Lynn White, Texas Agri. Extension Service, College Station, TX 
Ten local Workforce Development Boards and 3 state agencies were recently awarded $1,000,000. by the Texas Workforce Commission in a variety of contracts to support expanding services and infrastructure development in 27 of the states rural counties. Different approaches to similar challenges allow local areas to determine what works best for the specific community that they serve. Representatives of local Workforce Development Boards and a representative from the State will discuss achievements and challenges involved in expanding service to rural Texas.

Women in High Tech: Opening Doors for Everyone
Speakers: Delores Crockett, USDOL / Women’s Bureau, Washington, DC; Susan Olsen, Resource Center for Women, Largo, FL; Esther Pearson, Genuity, Inc., Cambridge, MA; Mary Beth Schoening, PGR Media, Providence, RI 
Technical jobs are projected to grow faster than average between now and 2008. Yet, currently, there is a shortage of technical workers. Women make up 46% of the workforce, but are underrepresented in the technology workplace. Presenters will assist employers and all workforce development partners by providing best practices and strategies to recruit, train, and retain women in the technology field. Increasing the number of women choosing technology careers benefits businesses, women, and the economy.

1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Putting the Pieces Together: An Overview of “The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999”
Speakers: Kristine Erwin-Tribbitt, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD; Pamela McHugh, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD; Wanda Nenner, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD; B. J. Olson, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD
With the passage of “The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999,” there are many new and promising features that will assist disability beneficiaries in their efforts to work. In this informative session, Social Security Administration staff will present highlights of the various features included in this legislation. For example, the “Ticket Program” provides beneficiaries with an opportunity to choose employment services necessary to achieve self-support. Other exciting pieces of the legislation that will be discussed include enhancements to healthcare coverage, expedited reinstatement, Employment Support Representatives and Benefits Planning Assistance and Outreach grants.

The First On-line Community Built for Welfare-to-Work Customers
Speakers: Kimberly Bunting, Business Access, Dallas, TX; Stephen Friedheim, WorkSource for Dallas County, Dallas, TX; Laurie Bouillion Larrea, WorkSource for Dallas County, Dallas, TX; Randal Wier, WorkSource for Dallas County, Dallas, TX
You will be entertained and inspired by this presentation of an on-line community built expressly for welfare-to-work customers. We will demonstrate the website, the on-line training community offering in excess of 300 business curricula, and explain the business contribution of home computers for 1000 customers. The presenters will explain the planning, procurement, budgeting, the board discussions and the ongoing contract for this amazing “digital bridge”. Attendees can receive valuable information on replicating the project, buying services, and evaluation data on the project, thus far.

There are No “At-Risk Youth”: Only Missed Opportunities
Speakers: Callie Greene, Baltimore City Career Academy, Baltimore, MD; Bobby Herndon, Baltimore City Career Academy, Baltimore, MD; Melvina Johnson, NOVANet Support Specialist, Baltimore, MD; Jaquelene Sharp Massey, Baltimore City Career Academy, Baltimore, MD 
“It’s your move”. . .Can you imagine not starting from scratch as you work to connect links to preparing youth for the world of work? Join a nationally recognized PEPNet program, the Baltimore City Career Academy, and check out the blueprint for youth development. Hear reflections from youth about their experiences. Learn about assessment, accountability, and community resource strategies found to work to create a positive climate for student success.

3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Apprenticeship and the Information Technology Industry
Speakers: Paul Anderson, Communication Workers of America, Washington, DC; James Conley, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Dana Daughtery, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; John Engman, CompTIA Education Foundation, Lombard, IL 
Registered Apprenticeship is an answer to the dilemma of worker shortages in the IT industry. Technician positions comprise almost two-thirds of the total number of IT jobs now unfilled. Companies have to train their IT service and support staff to meet company needs and most would pay higher salary to an individual who had already completed an industry-supported IT certification program that includes hands-on working experience. Presenters will describe the current ETA and private sector efforts to create a new apprenticeship program that will train workers for the IT industry.

Effective Interaction of Veterans Services & Employment Programs
Speakers: Gary Lobdell, USDOL / VETS, Salisbury, MD; Larry Mettert, USDOL / VETS, Baltimore, MD; Fred Samuelson, ESGR, Silver Spring, MD; Mark Shelley, ESGR, Arlington, VA 
The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service will present a number of new programs designed to help veterans in obtaining needed information leading to employment or training. Toward that end, we will be demonstrating new technological advances with regard to distance learning, licensing and certification and transitional assistance. The e-VETS Resource Advisor was designed to help interested veterans sort through information available on the Internet. If you are a veteran, don’t miss this workshop.

Technology & Seniors – Beyond VCRs: New Directions, New Challenges
Speakers: Mike Lengle, Green Thumb, Arlington, VA; Jack Lockwood, Green Thumb, Arlington, VA; Marcus Myers, Green Thumb, Arlington, VA; Robert Tuch, Green Thumb, Arlington, VA 
Green Thumb – America’s oldest and largest provider of employment training and placement for seniors and disadvantaged has been delivering effective services for over 30 years. IT training presents new challenges – for organizations and for older workers. This workshop is designed to be both educational and fun! Actual training experiences will be discussed and audience participation will be encouraged. Learn what works, what doesn’t and leave with a better understanding of successful training methods for seniors that can lead to success in obtaining IT jobs.

Wednesday, July 18

10:30 a.m.-12 noon

Retaining and Advancing Low-Wage Residents in the Workplace: Identifying When and How to Change Course
Speakers: Sunny Coulson, Seattle Jobs Initiative, Seattle, WA; Scott Hebert, Abt Associates, Inc.; Tobi McMullen, Seattle Jobs Initiative, Seattle, WA; Caroline Schultz, Milwaukee Jobs Initiative, Milwaukee, WI
Workforce practitioners struggle to continually improve their efforts at retention and advancement for low-wage workers. But how to decide whether a mid-course correction is needed? What data is needed to make the decision and how should that data be collected and used? Is quantitative data to be relied on or do important qualitative sources of evidence exist as well? This important session will review creative strategies being employed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Jobs Initiative, ranging from site-based ethnographies to new web-based software packages.

The Seamless Systems: The Needle and Threads of WIA in Rural Communities
Speakers: April Bender, State University of NY, Potsdam, NY; Ram Chugh, State University of NY, Potsdam, NY; Vijay Macwan, State University of NY, Albany, NY
What is making WIA a success in rural areas? Learn hands-on strategies utilized by local agencies and employers to create a seamless system for job seekers and employers. A comprehensive resource of strategies and contacts will be distributed. Participants will engage in an interactive dialog and leave with at least three strategies for enhancing their seamless system.