As the workforce development system enters its second year under the Workforce Investment Act, implementation continues. Workshops under this topic will focus on the programs and services that are delivered under WIA, the Federal, state, and local policies that shape those programs, and the tools that assist in their delivery.
Monday, July 16
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Converting from DOT & SIC to O*NET & NAICS
Speakers: Karen Davis, PA Career Link, Harrisburg, PA; Gay Gilbert, USDOL / ETA, Washington, D.C.; Stella Goodbee, LA Workforce Develop. Agency, Baton Rouge, LA; John Nottingham, NC Employ. Security, Raleigh, NC
This workshop will focus on efforts to support the workforce development community. s conversion from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Standard Industrial Code (SIC) to the Occupational Information Network-Standard Occupational Classification (O*NET SOC) and the North American Industrial Code System (NAICS). These new classification systems reflect the dramatic changes in the labor market toward broadly defined occupations and more industries for the 21st century. This workshop will describe how the benefits of converting will outweigh the problems and review the tools and technical assistance available to help out.
Improving the Workforce through Effective Training
Speakers: Laurence Seidel, COEI, Trenton, NJ; Dan Will, NJ Dept. of Labor, Trenton, NJ; William Wood, Monmouth County WIB, Red Bank, NJ
This panel will address the collaborative development of New Jersey’s integrated training vendor information and evaluation system, its relationship to the WIA Consumer Report Card and the online collection of student record information. The discussion will focus on how New Jersey developed the system for use in Vocational Rehabilitation Services and One-Stop Career Centers. It will demonstrate how the Eligible Training Provider List is integrated into the Consumer Report Card through the use of a common database. A live demonstration of the site will be presented to demonstrate how each component has been structured for optimal performance.
Providing Quality Access to WIA Levels of Service
Speakers: Patti Castro, Alameda WDB, Oakland, CA; Kathy Lee Bailey, Western Iowa CC, Sioux City, IA
Engage in a roundtable discussion looking beyond simple compliance with WIA regulations to develop outstanding service models developing a broad range of resources from among partner agencies. Identify the policy decision points that must be addressed before an effective design can be developed, tested and implemented.
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Dispelling the Myth of “Work First”
Speaker: Laurie Bouillion Larrea, WorkSource for Dallas County, Dallas, TX
Discuss policy decision points and options for States and Local areas in designing participant flow and services plans examining the meaning of . unable to obtain employment through core services, and …in need of more intensive services to obtain employment. . How are the broader purposes of WIA for skills attainment, job retention and wage replacement addressed.
Labor Exchange Performance Measures & Reporting
Speakers: Tom Bahorski, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Stephanie Cabell, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Mike Hernandez, USDOL / VETS Washington, DC; Dave Smole, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC
ETA and VETS are implementing a Labor Exchange Performance Measurement System during PY 2001 to support performance accountability under the Government Performance and Results Act and as partners in the One-Stop delivery system. Specific items to be addressed include: an overview of each of the performance measures; the use of UI wage records to obtain employment outcome information; and an explanation of the new reporting requirements as they pertain to labor exchange services, performance outcomes, and job openings listed by employers as defined in the proposed revisions to the ET Handbook No. 406 (ETA 9002 Data Preparation Handbook).
Tuesday, July 17
8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
A Tool Kit for Managing One-Stop Performance
Speakers: Barry Goff, Charter Oak Group, Glastonbury, CT; Jacque Picone, San Diego Workforce Partnership, San Diego, CA; Ronald Schack, Charter Oak Group, Glastonbury, CT
Managing to the WIA performance outcomes has increased the need to develop performance reporting systems that help managers and staff make the month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter decisions to ensure states and localities can meet performance expectations and effectively serve their customers. The workshop presents an approach that has been developed with state and local areas and proven effective in those settings. At the heart of the approach is a tool kit that provides models for measures, reports, and analyses that can support decision-making of managers and staff, as well as State administrators and policy makers. With these tools managers can anticipate outcomes and manage accordingly rather than waiting until data from wage records and other sources are available.
One-Stop Chartering: Building a Continuous Improvement Environment & Foundation
Speakers: Michael Aheron, NC Commission on Workforce Develop., Raleigh, NC; Bob Barham, Capital Area WDB, Raleigh, NC; Jane Sterner, Capital Area WDB, Raleigh, NC; Harylon Whitehead, Wake Technical CC, Raleigh, NC
You will learn the benefits of chartering One-Stop Centers and how using the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria helps create an environment and foundation for customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. The speakers will address how the criteria were developed, how the local boards implement the chartering process, how the local area uses these criteria to ensure continuous improvement and reporting progress to the local board, how the centers complete the application and re-certification process, and how the center uses the criteria in daily activity.
10:30 a.m.-12 noon
Showcase Award Winners from the Programs & Policies Track
Come participate in a roundtable discussion with the JETTCON2001 Showcase Award winners from the Programs and Policies category.
The Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS): Enhancing Workforce Investment Performance Accountability
Speakers: Mason Bishop, NASWA, Washington, DC; Maria Colavito, NASWA, Albany, NY; Andri Haraldsson, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, McLean, VA; Dave Smole, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC
This workshop will provide attendees with an understanding of: 1) the process through which wage records are requested and processed through WRIS, 2) authorized uses of WRIS, 3) WRIS security provisions, 4) technical and administrative requirements for participation in WRIS, 5) the benefits and costs of using WRIS, 6) experience and lessons learned from the WRIS pilot, and 7) information on the expansion of WRIS to all interested States.
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Empowering Customers through ITAs
Speakers: Miriam Heppe, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Juanita Howard, Cincinnati Career Resource Center, Cincinnati, OH; Carolyn Marshall, Office of Employ. Develop., Baltimore, MD; Ed Strong, Corp. for a Skilled Workforce, Philadelphia, PA
This session will focus on the pathways through which an ITA is administered and the importance of the case manager. s role. This workshop will address the staff development needs for case managers in the new WIA world, emphasizing not only the use of assessment information to assist participants to make informed choices, but also as a basis for redirecting participants to other occupations in which they might be more likely to be successful. It also looks at how the case manager supports his/her decision in consultation with the participant in the selection of an ITA.
Resource Sharing/ Cost Allocation/ MOUs
Speaker: Edward Donohue, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC
This session will provide workforce system partners with guidance on the financial implications of resource sharing in a One-Stop system including defining shared costs, determining proportionate share, and reviewing cost allocation requirements, shared costs payment methodologies, and MOU development. This workshop will benefit all program and administrative areas.
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Dealing with Tough ETP Issues
Speakers: Walter Barrett, Texas Workforce Commission, Austin, TX; Aaron Fichtner, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; Anthony Joseph, NY Dept. of Labor, New York, NY; Penny Smith, TN Higher Education Commission, Nashville, TN
Discuss policy decision points and options for States in developing and administering Eligible Training Providers Lists in conjunction with WIA requirements and DOL implementation. Learn about key issues like effective marketing strategies, application procedures, data definitions and philosophies, approaches to performance issues, and promising approaches to discuss “WHAT WORKS!”
Wednesday, July 18
10:30 a.m.-12 noon
WIA Performance: Additional Measures of Performance and Re-negotiation Strategies
Speakers: Bill Rabung, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Brad Sickles, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC
In this workshop DOL ETA will collaborate with State and local partners to discuss potential measurements of the WIA system as a whole, that go beyond the Title I program measurements, and would serve to assist the State or local area in their strategic planning efforts. One Stop system measurements that would reflect such activities as universal access, and non-assisted participant services, or multiple-partnership outcomes will be explored with the attendees, based on current models and other possibilities.
Workforce & Youth Development for Court-Involved Youth: Promising Approaches
Speakers: Richard Horne, Pres. Task Force on the Employ. of Adults w/ Disabilities, Washington, DC; Christina Lo, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Mary Mack, Nat. Center on Secondary Education, Minneapolis, MN
This session is designed to build the capacity of WIA youth programs to understand and meet the needs of this population by implementing effective policies and programs. Participants will experience proven practices and approaches for serving youth with disabilities, at risk youth, and youth with undiagnosed disabilities in all aspects of WIA Youth Programs. Participants will also receive training on best practices for including disability issues on Youth Councils and gain practical policy and program information that they can share and apply in their own settings.