
JETTCON2023 has invited non-profit organizations and government agencies to participate in JETTCON2023 as conference partners. By partnering with JETTCON, these organizations benefit from increased visibility at the conference with special recognition at the conference and exhibit hall entrances. They are also recognized in conference brochures and promotional materials and at the JETTCON website. In addition, partners benefit from the opportunity to network with other partners and sponsors and participate in pre-conference planning.

Partners in turn help promote the conference through their newsletters, web sites, and constituents. We appreciate their assistance and would like to recognize them here:

AFL-CIO Working For America Institute
American Association of Community Colleges
Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs
American Society for Training and Development
City of Baltimore, Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
Goodwill Industries
Government Learning Technology Symposium
Green Thumb
National Alliance of Business
National Association of Counties
National Association of Education and Training Contractors
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
National Association of Workforce Boards
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
National Center for Strategic Non-Profit Planning and Community Leadership
National Conference of Black Mayors
National Conference of State Legislatures
National Council of La Raza
National Federation of the Blind
National Governors’ Association
National Rural Development Partnership
National Urban League
National Youth Employment Coalition
NETWORK Consortium
Office of Disability Employment Policy
Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America
Presidential Task Force on the Employment of Adults with Disabilities
Social Security Administration
State of Maryland
U.S. Conference of Mayors
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Education — Office of Vocational & Adult Education
U.S. Department of Education — Rehabilitation Services Administration
U.S. Department of Labor — Civil Rights Center
U.S. Department of Labor — Veterans Employment & Training Service
U.S. Department of Labor — Women’s Bureau
U.S. Department of Labor — Working Partners for an Alcohol-and-Drug-Free Workplace
Welfare Information Network

If you are a non-profit organization or government agency and are interested in partnering with JETTCON2020, please e-mail us at