Universal access is a key principle of America’s Workforce Network. Ensuring the availability and accessibility of all programs and services is of paramount concern for the workforce development system. Workshops under this topic will highlight innovative approaches to guaranteeing access to services for all persons.
Monday, July 16
1:30-3:00 p.m.
One-Stop Workplace Accommodations for Persons with Significant Disabilities
Speakers: Jim Corey, MD Div. of Rehab. Services, Baltimore, MD; Taylor McConnaughay, MD Div. of Rehab. Services, Baltimore, MD; EC Townsend, MD Div. of Rehab. Services, Baltimore, MD; Morris Tranen, Partnership Develop. Corp., Baltimore, MD
This presentation will describe a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary team approach to providing appropriate workplace accommodation for individuals with significant disabilities. The model is currently being used by the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services through its comprehensive workforce, rehabilitation and technology center in Baltimore. This approach is focused on being responsive to the needs of both the employer and the worker with a disability. A wide variety of disabling conditions can be accommodated through this approach including quadriplegia, blindness, deafness, and other mobility impairments.
Working Solutions, a One-Stop for Everyone
Speaker: Michelle Barlow, NY Vocational & Education Services, Utica, NY
Partners have created a One-Stop center that has woven the needs of people with disabilities into our new workforce development system, Working Solutions. Learn about the difficulties experienced and progress made towards striving to reach our goal of becoming 100% accessible. Staff training, job development protocol, and technology needs will be discussed.
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Layoff Life Lines: Two Exciting National Tools
Speakers: Randy Bachman, WA Employ. Security Dept., Olympia, WA; Warren May, Agency for Workforce Innovation, Tallahassee, FL; Janet Sten, USDOL / ETA, Washington, DC; Jen Warren, TATC, Washington, DC
This workshop will inform attendees about two of the national tools available through America’s Workforce Network (AWN) that provide information regarding jobs, job training, and other career resources and services at the U.S. Department of Labor. The primary function of the AWN Toll-Free Help Line (1-877-US-2JOBS) and America’s Service Locator (www.servicelocator.org) is to provide workers and employers with two ways to access DOL services and products from a national level down to local One-Stop offices or other service providers.
Showcase Award Winners from the Access & Accessibility Track
Come participate in a roundtable discussion with the JETTstarCON2001 Showcase Award winners under the Access & Accessibility category.
Tuesday, July 17
8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Partnering to Provide Program Access to Career Center Customers with Disabilities
Speakers: David Baker, MO Assistive Technology, Independence, MO; Rick Beasley, MO Dept. of Workforce Develop., Jefferson City, MO; Dyann Green, MO Dept. of Education / DVR, Columbia, MO
The content of the workshop will describe how the Missouri Training and Employment Council has adopted a set of architectural and program access standards for implementation in Missouri’s full service Career Centers. These standards ensure equal access to Career Center programs for people with disabilities. The session will describe Missouri’s process for partnering to implement its model for achieving program access for people with disabilities, and will also profile accessible technologies now required in its Career Centers.
The Role of Housing & Transportation in the WIA System
Speakers: Kathy McGinley, Consort. for Citizens w/ Disabilities Housing Task Force, Washington, DC; Michael Reardon, Pres. Task Force on the Employ. of Adults w/ Disabilities, Washington, DC; Brian Solomon, WI Dept. of Workforce Develop., Madison, WI
Lack of available, affordable transportation and housing are two of the most cited barriers to employment, particularly for people with disabilities. Although neither housing nor transportation agencies are mandated partners under WIA, they should certainly be encouraged to be significant players in the workforce system, in the development of states’ unified plans and in all of the local One-Stop career centers. This session offers several practical ways to make that happen.
10:30 a.m.-12 noon
One-Stop Systems: Promoting the Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Speakers: David Hoff, Institute for Community Inclusion, Boston, MA; William Kiernan, Institute for Community Inclusion, Boston, MA; Larry Zabar, New England Council, Boston, MA
With individuals with disabilities able to meet many needs in today’s competitive labor market, it. s essential that workforce professionals understand how to assist employers to successfully employ people with disabilities. This session will provide a variety of practical strategies, including the results of a Microsoft sponsored project, which analyzes job design issues for employers and develops flexible and responsive workforce plans. A variety of examples will be provided concerning promoting employment of persons with disabilities.
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Communication Access in the One-Stop System for Individuals Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Speakers: Bona Achinanya, MD Dept. of Rehab. Services, Baltimore, MD; George Kosovich, US Dept. of Education / RSA, Washington, DC; Annette Reichman, US Dept. of Education / RSA, Washington, D.C.; Ramon Rodriguez, US Dept. of Education / OSERS, Washington, D.C.
Clearly, communication with others is an important aspect of finding and keeping employment. Individuals with significant hearing loss often experience a variety of communication barriers which interfere with their ability to effectively interact with others in the workplace. It is the goal of this workshop to assist One-Stop centers in learning to effectively deal with such obstacles. Use of appropriate technology is a major option in making One-Stop programs accessible as mandated in Section 188 of WIA.
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Transforming the Workforce System for Persons with Disabilities
Speakers: Diane Cook, RI Office of Rehab. Services, Providence, RI; Bob Cooper, Governor’s Commission on Disabilities, Providence, RI; Connie Parks, RI Dept of Labor & Training, Wakefield, RI; Kathleen Partington, netWORKri, Cranston, RI
Rhode Island’s One-Stop system has flung the doors wide open for people with disabilities. How? What’s next? We offer 12 specific, replicable examples of how to make the workforce system really work for people with disabilities. The common threads are the evolution of the collaborative relationships among One-Stop partners and the focus on employer service as a critical component in meeting the needs of customers with disabilities. Come share the music, honesty, and laughter.
Wednesday, July 18
10:30 a.m.-12 noon
How Accessible is Your One-Stop Center?
Speakers: Janie Bates, Workforce Texoma Board, Denison, TX; Marsha Lindsey, Workforce Texoma Board, Denison, TX; Bob Rhoden, Workforce Texoma Board, Denison, TX; Terrence Steele, Workforce Texoma Board, Denison, TX
This presentation will provide an opportunity for participants to “walk through” a one-stop center accessibility monitoring review. Information will be given on best practices in the form of proven, inexpensive “tips” to ensure accessibility of furniture, pathways, restrooms, technology equipment, and resources, such as printers, fax machines, copiers, and websites. Monitoring tools, demonstrations, resources, and visual aids of best practices will allow participants to acquire information to ensure accessibility of their One-Stop centers.
Making One-Stop and Web-Based Services Accessible to All
Ensuring all individuals have access to the resources available in One-Stops and to services provided over the Internet should be an important priority for anyone involved in the delivery of workforce services. The panel will discuss key policy issues around accessibility, including what policy guidances currently exist and the rationale behind them. A majority of the discussion will be focused around guidance for providing access for people with limited English proficiency (LEP) and Section 508 compliance.
Resources for Disability-Related Federal Employment Issues
Speakers: Beth Loy, Job Accommodation Network, Morgantown, WV; Sharon Terrell-Lindsay, U.S. Dept. of Defense, Falls Church, VA
Representatives of the Job Accommodation Network, a service of USDOL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, and the Dept. of Defense (DoD) Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) will provide federal disability-related information to assist employers and employees in addressing accommodation concerns. The presenters will specifically address their internet portal partnership, which highlights needs assessment tools, appropriate disability legislation, and ways to determine effective job accommodations.